Inspiration VS Knowledge
I was just wondering today how beautiful it is to learn.! To listen to teachers, speakers, guru's and experience growth and expantion in our knoweldge of ourselves and the world. It is a great encouragement, a helping hand, a force and a push when we use it that way. Sharing the information of scientists, experts and spititual leaders.
However, I made the comparison with experiencing personal inspiration. Guidance from within, through the SPIRIT. Have you felt this before? Getting the information and assurance direclty to you, directly from the universe, direclty from the source. It is that feeling of wholeness, the feeling of being in the light, in the truth, in the love. Being the light, the truth, the LOVE...
My friends this guidance and state of being is available for all of us, in case you wonder.
It is one thing to share in someone elses experience and another the have your own. For me this is my greatest power, my own personal connection and truth with my source. The universe, mother earth, GOD or Jesus, or for whomever you consent with.
We are all different and unique. This is the spice of the world.
We all proceed and perceive the environment differently. So what is great about this, is that we can gather information from the outer world and make it our own, by practicing it, and seeing what consents with us, our inner world. Pass it through our own personal filters of freedom, aura and soul and make it work for us somehow.
Or we can connect with our inner world and gather information directly from our source.
Both work. As long we are living as us, I heard someone say and loved it, " unless you do you, you won't be done!!!"
Live your life to the FULL, completely accepting who you are, your POWER WITHIN...